Probing the ionized ISM of the CSS quasar 3C 277.1. I. Observations




Cotton, W D
Fanti, C
Fanti, R
Bicknell, Geoffrey
Spencer, R E

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We present new multi-wavelength high resolution VLA polarimetric images of the CSS quasar 3C 277.1 and analyze them with older Merlin and HST [OIII] images. These observations were made to test the hypothesis that the [OIII] emission as well as the long wavelength radio opacity arise in shocks that the quasar jet induces in the ISM. The multi-wavelength radio polarimetric images allow the study of the intervening magnetized plasma using Faraday effects. The HST [OIII] image potentially reveals regions of shock that have cooled sufficiently to radiate. We find no compelling evidence that the jet is directly responsible for the majority of the [OIII] emission or that there is significant dense shocked material in the immediate vicinity of most of the jet. There is evidence for jet-induced shocks on the northern edge of the eastern lobe. We find a spectral age of the radio source of ∼4 × 10 4 yr giving advance speeds of the lobes of 0.15 c and 0.06 c for the western and eastern lobes. The strong Faraday effects appear to be confined within the inner 3 kpc as does the [OIII] emission.



Keywords: Faraday effect; Image analysis; Magnetization; Plasmas; Polarization; Radiation; Radio; Galaxies: jets; Galaxies: nuclei; Galaxies: quasars: individual: 3C 277.1; Merlin and HST; Radio continuum: galaxies; VLA polarimetric; Astronomy Galaxies: jets; Galaxies: nuclei; Galaxies: quasars: individual: 3C 277.1; Polarization; Radio continuum: galaxies



Astronomy and Astrophysics


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