Segmentation and Radial Anisotropy of the Deep Crustal Magmatic System Beneath the Cascades Arc

dc.contributor.authorJiang, Chengxin
dc.contributor.authorSchmandt, Brandon
dc.contributor.authorAbers, G. A.
dc.contributor.authorKiser, Eric
dc.contributor.authorMiller, Meghan
dc.description.abstractVolcanic arcs consist of many distinct vents that are ultimately fueled by the common melting processes in the subduction zone mantle wedge. Seismic imaging of crustal-scale magmatic systems can provide insight into how melt is organized in the deep crust and eventually focused beneath distinct vents as it ascends and evolves. Here, we investigate the crustal-scale structure beneath a section of the Cascades arc spanning four major stratovolcanoes: Mt. Hood, Mt. St. Helens (MSH), Mt. Adams (MA), and Mt. Rainier, based on ambient noise data from 234 seismographs. Simultaneous inversion of Rayleigh and Love wave dispersion constrains the isotropic shear velocity (Vs) and identifies radially anisotropic structures. Isotropic Vs shows two sub-parallel low-Vs zones (∼3.45–3.55 km/s) at ∼15–30 km depth with one connecting Mt. Rainier to MA, and another connecting MSH to Mt. Hood, which are interpreted as deep crustal magma reservoirs containing up to ∼2.5%–6% melt, assuming near-equilibrium melt geometry. Negative radial anisotropy, from vertical fractures like dikes, is prevalent in this part of the Cascadia, but is interrupted by positive radial anisotropy, from subhorizontal features like sills, extending vertically beneath MA and Mt. Rainier at ∼10–30 km depth and weaker and west-dipping positive anisotropy beneath MSH. The positive anisotropy regions are adjacent to rather than co-located with the isotropic low-Vs anomalies. Ascending melt that stalled and mostly crystallized in sills with possible compositional differences from the country rock may explain the near-average Vs and positive radial anisotropy adjacent to the active deep crustal magma reservoirs.
dc.provenanceThis is an open access article underthe terms of the Creative CommonsAttribution-NonCommercial License,which permits use, distribution andreproduction in any medium, provided theoriginal work is properly cited and is notused for commercial purposes
dc.publisherAmerican Geophysical Union
dc.rights© 2023 The authors
dc.rights.licenseCreative Commons Attribution licence
dc.rights.uri by-nc/4.0/
dc.sourceGeochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
dc.titleSegmentation and Radial Anisotropy of the Deep Crustal Magmatic System Beneath the Cascades Arc
dc.typeJournal article
dcterms.accessRightsOpen Access
local.contributor.affiliationJiang, Chengxin, College of Science, ANU
local.contributor.affiliationSchmandt, Brandon, University of New Mexico
local.contributor.affiliationAbers, G. A., Cornell University
local.contributor.affiliationKiser, Eric, Department of Geosciences
local.contributor.affiliationMiller, Meghan, College of Science, ANU
local.contributor.authoruidJiang, Chengxin, u5150875
local.contributor.authoruidMiller, Meghan, u4059616
local.description.notesImported from ARIES
local.identifier.absfor370512 - Volcanology
local.identifier.absfor370511 - Structural geology and tectonics
local.identifier.absfor370609 - Seismology and seismic exploration
local.identifier.absseo280107 - Expanding knowledge in the earth sciences
local.type.statusPublished Version


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