Particle-in-cell simulations of heat flux driven ion acoustic instability




Detering, Frank
Rozmus, F
Brantov, W
Bychenknov, V.Y.
Capjack, C.E.
Sydora, R

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American Institute of Physics (AIP)


The return current instability of ion acoustic waves in a laser heated plasma is studied by means of a collisional particle-in-cell code and theoretical analysis in the regime of nonlocal heat transport. The physical scenario of localized, inverse Bremsstrahlung heating in a single laser hot spot, electron thermal transport, return current of cold electrons, instability of ion acoustic waves, and resulting ion acoustic turbulence are examined in a self-consistent kinetic collisional particle simulation. The observed growth of the return current instability is in excellent agreement with predictions of a linear, nonlocal theory. Ion acoustic fluctuations contribute to the inhibition of thermal transport, which leads to the enhancement of the electron temperature in the center of a hot spot. Increased electron collisionality and hot ion tail production are the dominant saturation mechanisms of the return current instability in a one-dimensional geometry. The effects of the ion acoustic turbulence on other interaction processes are also discussed.



Keywords: Acoustic waves; Computer simulation; Electron transport properties; Heat flux; Inertial confinement fusion; Ions; Kinetic energy; Laser applications; Mathematical models; Plasmas; Thermal effects; Turbulence; Ion acoustic turbulence (IAT); Laser heated pl



Physics of Plasmas


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