ANU Research Publications
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Item Open Access Decomposition of Differentials in Health Expectancies From Multistate Life Tables: A Research Note(Springer, 2023) Shen, Tianyu; Riffe, Tim; Payne, Collin; Canudas-Romo, VladimirMultistate modeling is a commonly used method to compute healthy life expectancy. However, there is currently no analytical method to decompose the components of differentials in summary measures calculated from multistate models. In this research note, we propose a derivative-based method to decompose the differentials in population-based health expectancies estimated via a multistate model into two main components: the proportion resulting from differences in initial health structure and the proportion resulting from differences in health transitions. We illustrate the method using data on activities of daily living from the U.S. Health and Retirement Study to decompose the sex differential in disability-free life expectancy (HLE) among older Americans. Our results suggest that the sex gap in HLE results primarily from differences in transition rates between disability states rather than from the initial health distribution of female and male populations. The methods introduced here will enable researchers, including those working in fields other than health, to decompose the relative contribution of initial population structure and transition probabilities to differences in state-specific life expectancies from multistate models.Item Embargo Why negative political ads don't work on Gen Y(Association for Consumer Research, 2016) Hughes, AndrewThis study demonstrates that televised political negative advertising generates high levels of negative emotions and emotional intensity upon Gen Y consumers. These responses are developing negative attitudes towards political advertising and brands that may have far reaching generational societal and political impacts long past the end of the campaignItem Open Access Telling the Truth About Empire? A Word on Methodology(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2023) Biccum, AprilEmpire/imperialism are terms that re-emerge with patterned frequency. Claims that the Australia United Kingdom and United States agreement is imperial, that an Australian empire exists, or that coloniality continues after the end of formal colonialism are all made without connecting colonialism, settler-colonialism, coloniality, or sub-imperialism to the larger whole of which it is a part — empire. At the same time, political science has begun to make claims about empire as a particular type of politics and comparative historical literature has also emerged. This paper argues that empire should a site of inquiry for any decolonial project and elaborates what would be involved methodologically. It engages the question of methodology by comparing different approaches to the study of empire. My argument is that the interpretivist approach is the more methodologically robust principally because it raises a series of unresolvable methodological problems. I argue that study of empire, as a particular form of politics, is not just a social scientific question, it is an ethical normative question. I argue that it is politically necessary for the decolonisation of knowledge to broach the question of empire and its methodological problems. Only when we know the truth about empire, can we confidently contribute to a politics that would be post-imperial.Item Embargo The business of human trafficking: slaves and money between Western Italy and the House of Islam before the crusades (c.900-c.1100)(Taylor & Francis Online, 2019) Smith, David RomneyBefore the First Crusade, the maritime cities of Italy imported precious objects from Islamic regions. The question of what they exported in return has long occupied historians. Due to the large economic disparity between Latin Italy and the wealthier House of Islam, human trafficking offered a strong profit opportunity to merchants from Amalfi, Pisa and other ports. This was because the price of a slave in Egypt or North Africa, at around 20 gold dinars, represented a large sum in the silver currency zones of Latin Europe, especially compared to low prices in Italy. Even moderate numbers of trafficked humans may therefore have provided the capital for further maritime economic expansion. Moreover, slaves offered a commodity with low infrastructure and transportation requirements, unlike bulk agricultural products, as well as unique advantages in market access, which suggests that slave trading preceded investment in other branches of commerce.Item Open Access Europe's GI Policy and New World Countries(Kluwer Law International, 2023) Moir, HazelTrade negotiations between the European Union (EU) and Australia and New Zealand (NZ) provide the opportunity to revisit the ongoing clash between EU and New World ( United States of America (USA), Canada, Australia, NZ etc.) countries over geographical indications (GIs). Since the EU-Canada negotiations, the EU has increased its GI demands and the Australia and NZ negotiations provide the first opportunity to assess these. NZ has agreed to privileges that exceed those in the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and has fewer safeguards for NZ producers than were achieved in Canada. The EU's GI demands to Australia are scrutinized in terms of competition, rule of law and consumer information criteria, providing a basis for considering how Australia should respond. A particular focus is the problematic issues raised in the demand that specific GI names be listed in the treaty without proper review and opposition procedures. Questions are also raised about the accuracy of EU GI labels and the relative merit of EU GI policy compared to certification mark GIs to promote regional development. On this basis it is suggested that Australia should reject a number of the EU's GI demands as these lead to approving product labels which are deceptive for consumersItem Open Access Indigenizing the IT Curriculum by Design(Association for Information Systems, 2023) Romano, Rosetta; Blooma, John; MacKrell, Dale; Qureshi, Sumaira; Elder, Kamiliroi; Applebee, Wayne; Copeman, PeterIn the context of an institution-wide initiative of the University of Canberra (UC), Australia, to mandate the Indigenization of the curriculum in all its courses, this descriptive case study reports on a pilot project to redesign the syllabus of an Information Technology (IT) unit that is a mandatory capstone for all students undertaking IT degrees. The capstone previously included no Indigenous-related content or pedagogical approaches. Indigenizing of the unit was achieved by embedding and interconnecting Tyson Yunkaporta's (2009) 8 Ways of Indigenous Learning with the unit's content, teaching methods, and assessments, along with the Indigenous collaborative learning method Yarning Circles, in a design that could be expressed and unified in the teaching delivery to inform continuous adjustment and improvement of the unit's curriculum, and also potentially inform the Indigenization of other UC IT units over time. A Design Science Research (DSR) methodology was put into action to evaluate the previous curriculum (as expressed in the offering of the unit), to design its Indigenized replacement, to implement it with student cohorts over two semesters, to collect data on the experience, and to reflect on the successes and challenges that arise. This methodology can also be applied reflexively in future iterative cycles of continuous adjustment and improvement of the unit's curriculum by its conveners and colleagues to inform Indigenized designs for other units that currently have no Indigenous-related content. The extensibility of DSR is proffered as a methodological contribution to the project.Item Embargo Conceptualisations of wellbeing and quality of life: A systematic review of participatory studies(Pergamon-Elsevier Ltd, 2022) Sollis, Kate; Yap, Mandy; Campbell, Paul; Biddle, NicholasThere is a growing movement across the world to make better use of wellbeing measures to guide policy. This stems from the realisation that reliance on economic indicators, such as income, GDP, and unemployment, may not be adequately capturing the aspects of life that people value. But how should we be measuring wellbeing or quality of life? A mounting body of research over the past two decades has highlighted the value of participatory wellbeing frameworks, which are created by working with the population of interest and asking the question “What does wellbeing mean for you?”. However, up to now there is very little consolidated understanding of the work conducted in this space. This systematic review seeks to fill this gap, identifying 130 participatory wellbeing studies which span every region of the world and all life stages. The review identifies a wide range of theories, methods, and participatory techniques that have been utilised to develop participatory wellbeing frameworks which can be replicated for similar studies going forward. By thematically analysing understandings of wellbeing into 30 overarching areas, the findings show that communities and population groups throughout the world have wide-ranging and diverse conceptualisations of wellbeing. In sum, we highlight that while there are some similarities in what wellbeing means to people from different population groups, nuances exist within every group. Given this diverse understanding of wellbeing throughout the world, it is vital that research, policy and development initiatives take this into account. Doing so will help support policy and programs to address the aspects of life that are important to individuals, and subsequently improve the lives of people throughout the world in a more meaningful way.Item Embargo Indigenous Economic Development: Contesting Convention, Considering Alternatives(Economic Development Australia, 2022) Wensing, EdwardAustralia has a well-advanced economy which by OECD standards ranks among the richest in the world. Yet, Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples face incredible challenges when it comes to their participation in the nation's economy through employment, self-employment or in making a decent living. It is statistically well documented, that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experience greater levels of poverty and unemployment than the rest of the population in Australia, and that they endure significant socio-economic disadvantages.Item Embargo Strengthening boards through diversity(University of Minnesota, 2022) Kamalnath, AkshayaThe current focus on the monitoring role of the corporate board has come under much criticism. Independent directors play a significant role within this model. However, their ability to truly function independently has been rightly questioned in the last decade. Independent directors are impeded by two main problems: first, the lack of access to relevant information, for which they are reliant on management, and second, the high likelihood of being captured (to varying degrees) by management. There have been various suggestions to fix these problems, ranging from enhancing board diversity to drastically reforming the current model of corporate boards. This Article argues that diversity holds the promise of slowly reforming the current board model, so long as well-considered measures are taken. To that end, this Article will propose a model of board governance that relies on providers of supplemental board services as intermediaries to facilitate diversity on boards. This model will, on the one hand, allow companies to attract both the best and diverse directors and on the other hand, allow board candidates (especially diverse candidates) to make well-informed decisions about taking on directorships. Eventually, companies may choose to share these reports with investors and the general public to signal their commitment to diversity and governance. Finally, the proposed model has the potential to drive boards to take on more of an advisory role along with the current focus on monitoring.Item Embargo Legal and Market Initiatives to Increase Diversity in Corporations – A Cross-jurisdictional Analysis(Seattle University, 2022) Kamalnath, AkshayaThis article will critically examine various legal and market initiatives to increase diversity in corporations, with the aim of assessing their effectiveness. These initiatives explored in this article include quota laws in Europe (including recent amendments in France and Germany which introduce quotas for executive director positions), and California; disclosure laws in U.S.A., Nasdaq, and UK; and initiatives by institutional investors. The main argument I make here is that both quotas and quantitative disclosures do not provide the right incentives for corporations to make genuine efforts to improve diversity. The alternative that I propose is not to simply leave matters as is, but rather for all those involved in the diversity project – legislators, investors, and the general public - to steer the discourse towards long term and sustained change. One way to push corporations in this direction is to encourage qualitative disclosures which will incentivise innovative and firm-specific solutions.Item Embargo Social movements, diversity, and corporate short-termism(Georgetown University Press, 2022) Kamalnath, AkshayaSocial movements like #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter, powered by social media, have given rise to heightened corporate activism on social issues. They have also drawn attention to the importance of addressing diversity issues for the workforce rather than simply at the board or management level. This Article argues that the focus on such social issues is desirable, and indeed necessary; however, myopic responses to social media pressures can be counterproductive. Instead, this Article proposes that corporate decisions and actions should be geared towards addressing issues that help the companies' stakeholders in the long term. Further, it argues that long-term policies that improve corporate culture will ultimately bear results because employees cannot be won over by mere virtue-signalling or short-term policies.Item Embargo Review - 'Views on a New Greek Lexicon, Part 1' - J. Diggle, B.L. Fraser, P. James, O.B) Simkin, A.A. Thompson, S.J. Westripp (ed.), The Cambridge Greek Lexicon. Cambridge University Press, 2021.(Cambridge University Press, 2022) Minchin, ElizabethThe Intermediate Greek−English Lexicon (IGL), an abridgment of the Oxford Greek Lexicon of H.G. Liddell and R. Scott (LSJ), was published in 1889. This familiar resource, affectionately termed the "Middle Liddell", has remained in print since that time. Unlike its parent, the LSJ, it has never undergone revision. In 1998, however, at the urging of Dr John Chadwick, the Greek Lexicon Project was established in Cambridge with this very goal. But when it became clear to the Project's management committee that this undertaking would be problematic, a bold new proposal emerged: to comple a "new and independent Lexicon".Item Embargo Doing (Computational) Literary Studies(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2023) Bode, KatherineWhen I started studying literature at university it was remarkable to me—and to my classmates (we remarked on it to each other)—that there was no single, correct answer to the essay questions: multiple good readings were possible.Item Embargo Book review - World Trade Evolution: Growth, Productivity and Employment(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2020) Gupta, KrisnaInternational trade has come under fire in recentyears. The trade war between the two giants—the USA and China—Brexit, and the rise of Non-Tariff Measures (NTM) are among issues thatreflect the loss of faith of world leaders in thediscipline of international economics. This bookcannot be published at a better time.Item Embargo Escaping criticism?(Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022) Manderson, DesmondArtefacts of Legal Inquiry, by Maks Del Mar, is graced by a singularly striking cover image, Pere Borrell del Caso’s well-known 1874 painting, Escaping Criticism.1Item Embargo Introduction: Metaphors and Metamorphoses(University of Wollongong, 2022) Manderson, DesmondThe essays in this collection grew out of an online symposium series organized in the middle of the 2020 pandemic lockdown in Australia. We had a sense of the vital role of metaphor in how we think; vital in the twin senses of crucial and full of life. We wanted to find out more from colleagues working in disciplines as diverse as history, cultural studies, critical theory, law, and philosophy. We wanted to think about the role of metaphors in how we confront difference; in how we make sense of the world; in the political, legal, and social challenges of the world we live in. What metaphors frame our thinking and to what ends? The answers that emerged orbit around a series of underlying tensions: metaphor as necessity, opportunity, and impurity; metaphor as natural, as strategic, as tactical; metaphor as a way of living, a way of seeing, and a way of obscuring; metaphor as keeping faith and metaphor as betrayal; metaphor as critique and the critique of metaphor. In exploring these tensions, three matters of concern kept recurring, and these three themes form the structure of the collection to follow: colonialism, monsters, and disease. Each chapters focuses on one of these themes, but all convincingly draw out their interconnections and mutual implications. What is colonialism but a monstrous disease? What are these monsters but diseased colonists? What is disease but yet another colonising monstrosity?Item Embargo The seventh plenary of the intergovernmental platform for biodiversity and ecosystem services (IPBES-7): a global assessment and a reshaping of IPBES(Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2019) Bridgewater, Peter; Loyau, Adeline; Schmeller, Dirk S.The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) held its 7th plenary session in Paris (France) during May 2019. The plenary marks the end of the first work programme and the release of the global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services. The important key messages from the global assessment are now more dire than those of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment from 2005, and its precursor, the Global Biodiversity Assessment of 1995. The plenary also considered the results of the review of IPBES, the future rolling work programme until 2030, and a budgetary framework. Using the review to reframe IPBES’ way of working, especially better policy delivery, will set it up for continued success.Item Embargo Pathway of the Birds: The Voyaging Achievements of Maori and Their Polynesian Ancestors(Polynesian Society Inc., 2018) Molle, GuillaumeIt comes as no surprise that “popular science” books are often overlooked by scientists themselves. Unfortunately, this contributes toward a gap between academic researchers and the general audience.Item Open Access Dharmakīrtian Inference(Springer Science+Business Media, 2023) Bogacz, Szymon; Tanaka, KojiDharmakīrti argues that there is no pramāṇa (valid means of cognition or source of knowledge) for a thesis that is a self-contradiction (svavacanavirodha). That is, self-contradictions such as ‘everything said is false’ and ‘my mother is barren’ cannot be known to be true or false. The contemporary scholar Tillemans challenges Dharmakīrti by arguing that we can know that self-contradictions are false by means of a formal logical inference. The aims of the paper are to answer Tillemans’ challenge from what we take to be Dharmakīrti’s or Dharmakīrtian (someone who is like Dharmakīrti) perspective and to demonstrate the unique features of Dharmakīrti’s view of inference. By so doing, we show that the epistemology in relation to the formal conception of logic that underlies Tillemans’ challenge is problematic from Dharmakīrti’s or Dharmakīrtian perspective. The paper, thus, presents Dharmakīrti’s view of inference and logical reasoning as well as a Dharmakīrtian challenge to the formal conception of logic that is the dominant contemporary conception.Item Open Access [Review] Katie Ann-Marie Bugyis, The Care of Nuns: The Ministries of Benedictine Women in England during the Central Middle Ages(Medieval Academy of America, 2023) Hotchin, JulieIn The Care of Nuns, Katie Anne-Marie Bugyis reshapes our understanding of religious women’s liturgical and pastoral ministries in England between the tenth and early thirteenth centuries.