Analysis of the impact of papermaking variables on the structure and transport properties of paper samples by X-ray microtomography




Goel, Amit
Arns, Christoph
Holmstad, R
Gregersen, O W
Bauget, Fabrice
Averdunk, Holger
Sok, Robert
Sheppard, Adrian
Knackstedt, Mark

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Pulp and Technical Association of Canada


The effect of papermaking variables on the structure and transport properties of paper samples was analyzed Various newsprint samples were prepared on a pilot paper machine by varying the raw material furnish and process parameters, including headbox consistency, retention aids and calendering. Three-dimensional digital images of the sample structure were obtained by using the synchrotron X-ray computed tomography facility at ESRF, Grenoble, France. Structural parameters (porosity, specific surface area, pore-size distribution and tortuosity) and transport properties (permeability and diffusivity) were calculated directly on the digitized images. Results indicate that the calendering operation plays a dominant role in altering the structure and transport properties of the samples.



Keywords: Calendering; Computerized tomography; Newsprint; Raw materials; Transport properties; X ray analysis; ESRF (CO); Three dimensional digital images; X ray computed tomography; X ray microtomography; Papermaking; Calendering; Newsprint; Paper Making; Raw Mat Calendering; Newsprint; Paper properties; Permeability; Pore size distribution; Porosity; Specific surface; Variables; X ray analysis



Journal of Pulp and Paper Science


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