Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific

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The Intersections electronic journal was originally published by Anne Marie Medcalf and Carolyn Brewer from a site at Murdoch University in Western Australia. At that time it was conceived of as an interactive forum for new research and teaching in the area of Gender Studies in the Asian region. Between September 1998 and mid 2007, fifteen issues were published under the sub-title, Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context. In 2006, Anne-Marie resigned to focus her time on different interests.

In 2007, Carolyn Brewer moved to the Gender Relations Centre in the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies at the Australian National University and the journal was also relocated to a new website at the ANU. At the same time, a new International Editorial Board was appointed along with an ANU Board of Management. It was decided to change the sub-title to more clearly reflect the journal's content and to add the Pacific as a specific area of research. The journal is now titled: Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific.

Placed at the junction of historical and contemporary concerns, Intersections will continue to emphasise the paramount importance of research into the multiple historical and cultural, gender and sexuality patterns in Asian and the Pacific—patterns that are crucial for the understanding of contemporary globalised societies, where identities and social relations are constantly being negotiated against the background of dominant narratives.

At the same time, Intersections will continue to explore innovative ways of 'doing' and publishing research using information technologies. Information Technology, however, is not seen as an end in itself, but as a place where oral, written and visual sources can tangibly cross paths allowing for new connections to be made. Visual materials such as photos, maps, artistic reproductions as well as video clips and sound tracks will be included where indispensable to the argument being developed.

Intersections is a peer reviewed journal. We use a double blind referee process where neither the author nor the referee are aware of the other's identity. As far as possible all papers will be sent to universities other that of the contributor.


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