Capturing the Year: Writings from the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific

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Published annually between 2006 to 2010 by The Australian National University's College of Asia and the Pacific, this journal contained a selection of the best journalism of its scholars. Their expertise ranged from archaeology, linguistics and history to economics, political science and security policy. Selected from more than 160 pieces of writing, the articles analysed big issues of the past year.They also reflect on topics as diverse as democracy, ethics and human rights, Asian language study and teaching, and natural resources. Eclectic and penetrating, 'Capturing the Year' showed that fine scholars can - and do - write for wide audiences.


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  • ItemOpen Access
    Capturing the Year 2009: writings from the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
    (Canberra, ACT : The Australian National University, College of Asia and the Pacific, 2010) Nelson, Barbara; MacIntyre, Andrew; Nelson, Barbara; MacIntyre, Andrew
    Capturing the Year 2009 represents the fourth time the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific has published an annual selection of the best journalism of its scholars. Their expertise ranges from archaeology, linguistics and history to economics, political science and security policy. Selected from more than 160 pieces of writing, the articles in Capturing analyse big issues of the past year - the Global Financial Crisis; elections in India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia and Afghanistan; political developments in Thailand, Burma and Fiji; climate change negotiations; release of a new Defence White Paper and the election of a new US president. They also reflect on topics as diverse as democracy, ethics and human rights, Asian language study and teaching, and natural resources. Eclectic and penetrating, Capturing shows that fine scholars can - and do - write for wide audiences.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Capturing the Year 2008: Writings from the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
    (ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, 2008) Nelson, Barbara; Jeffrey, Robin
  • ItemOpen Access
    Capturing the Year 2007: Writings from the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
    (ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, 2007) Nelson, Barbara; Jeffrey, Robin
    This is our second endeavour to ‘capture the year’—to compile a selection of popular writing by members of the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific. Capturing the Year 2006 got a heartening welcome from diplomats, public servants, journalists, academics and people who work in the Asia–Pacific region. They found the short, authoritative pieces useful and digestible, and they particularly liked the focus on important issues for Australia and its neighbours.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Capturing the Year 2006: Writings from the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
    (ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, 2006) Nelson, Barbara
    This collection captures aspects of the year 2006 and of the talents and interests of the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific. Formed in 2005, the College houses a remarkable assembly of scholars and resources devoted to the study of Australia’s neighbourhood from Afghanistan to the Pacific and of the global context in which our region exists. Capturing the Year illustrates some, but by no means all, of those talents. Inside, readers will find more than 50 articles by more than 30 members of the College and published in more than a dozen newspapers and magazines.
Open Access