Asian Economic Integration in an Era of Global Uncertainty

dc.contributor.authorPacific Trade and Development Conferenceen_AU
dc.contributor.editorArmstrong, Shiroen_AU
dc.contributor.editorWestland, Tomen_AU
dc.description.abstractThe 38th PAFTAD conference met at a key time to consider international economic integration. Earlier in the year, the people of the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union and the United States elected Donald Trump as their next president on the back of an inward-looking ‘America First’ promise. Brexit and President Trump represent a growing, and worrying, trend towards protectionism in the North Atlantic countries that have led the process of globalisation since the end of the Second World War. The chapters in the volume describe the state of play in Asian economic integration but, more importantly, look forward to the region’s future, and the role it might play in defending the global system that has underwritten its historic rise. Asia has the potential to stand as a bulwark against the dual threats of North Atlantic protectionism and slowing trade growth, but collective leadership will be needed regionally and difficult domestic reforms will be required in each country.en_AU
dc.description.tableofcontentsOverview and issues / Shiro Armstrong and Tom Westland -- Asian economic integration: The state of play / Mari Pangestu and Shiro Armstrong -- The global setting for Asian economic integration / Pascal Lamy -- Decoupling Asia revisited / Cyn-Young Park -- Financial liberalisation and trade: An examination of moving up value chains in the Asia–Pacific region / Wendy Dobson and Tom Westland -- Evolution of production networks in the Asia–Pacific region: A vision in value-added and employment dimensions / Hubert Escaith, Satoshi Inomata and Sébastien Miroudot -- The ASEAN Economic Community and the East Asian agenda / Somkiat Tangkitvanich and Saowaruj Rattanakhamfu -- India’s Asian trade strategy / Dhiraj Nayyar -- East Asia’s transformation and regional architecture / Ponciano Intal, Jr -- Evaluation of regional economic integration in East Asia / Shen Minghuien_AU
dc.format.extent1 vol.en_AU
dc.identifier.isbn9781760461751 (print)en_AU
dc.identifier.isbn9781760461768 (online)en_AU
dc.publisherANU Pressen_AU
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPAFTAD conference series ; no. 38en_AU
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPacific Trade and Development Conference. Papers and proceedings ; 38en_AU
dc.rights.licenseCrerative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalen_AU
dc.subject.lcshTrade -- Asia Pacificen_AU
dc.subject.lcshDevelopment -- Asia Pacificen_AU
dc.titleAsian Economic Integration in an Era of Global Uncertaintyen_AU
dcterms.accessRightsOpen Access via publisher websiteen_AU
local.contributor.affiliationShiro Armstrong, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National Universityen_AU
local.contributor.affiliationTom Westland, Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridgeen_AU
local.type.statusMetadata onlyen_AU
