Implementing practice change: a strategy and a toolkit to reduce sharps injuries in health care and medical services

dc.contributor.authorAntonsson, Ann-Beth
dc.contributor.authorSchmidt, Lisa
dc.contributor.authorÖstlund, Gabriella
dc.description.abstractOur implementation philosophy National intervention –Integrate in education for health care professionals –Provide support through the web for professionals in health care and medical services –Cooperation with strategic allies - implementation through existing actors with high legitimacy –Alignment with other interests, e.g. patient safety and hygiene Support top and middle management. In order to make it easy for them to do the right thing Concrete advice on how to avoid sharps injuries on the workplace level. Good practice will reduce sharps injuries by more than 80 % –Need for awareness, and education –Need for managers to inform and follow-up –Need to convert to safety products (policy decision)(Taken from page 3 of poster)en_AU
dc.format17 pagesen_AU
dc.identifier.citationAntonsson, A-B., Schmidt, L., Östlund, G. (2013). Implementing practice change: A strategy and a toolkit to reduce sharps injuries in health care and medical services. Digital poster presented at the First Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation, September 8-11 2013, Canberra, ACT.en_AU
dc.publisherAustralian National Universityen_AU
dc.rightsCopyright remains with the author. Permission to deposit the poster has been given by the Conference Chair, email dated 9/12/13en_AU
dc.subjectpractice changeen_AU
dc.subjecthealth careen_AU
dc.subjectmedical servicesen_AU
dc.titleImplementing practice change: a strategy and a toolkit to reduce sharps injuries in health care and medical servicesen_AU
dc.typeConference posteren_AU
local.description.notesThe First Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation was held in Canberra, Australia and online September 8 - 11 2013. The Conference Chair was Professor Gabriele Bammer, Australian National University, Director of the Research School of Population Health, Director of the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health and Director of the Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute.en_AU
local.type.statusPublished Versionen_AU


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