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Social control in Tangu




Burridge, Kenelm

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The fact that social control is as wide as the study of sociology itself implies that, in specific reference, the concept requires containment: A first approximation would be the examination of certain selected questions in reference to a political or quasi -political unit- since a political group would normally set the limits for a particular set of controls. And if opinion be divided on what goes to make a political system, a first requirement would still appear to be an analysis of the relationship between constituent groups to the end of eliciting and presenting logically the principles round which the activities of a people appear to be organised. This implies an analysis of power distribution within the group concerned and the related problems of power seeking or status advance – linking what Bateson has called “Preferred Types” with what Radcliffe Brown has called positive and negative sanctions. Thus, this dissertation is concerned first with finding the organising principles of a group – intrinsic control, control inherent in social relationships. Secondly, it is necessary to isolate and analyse those areas where the initiative of an individual can effectively steer or guide the behaviour of others: this process of exerting effective influence on many by one or a few I call management. Third, these activities need to be related to certain notions or dominate values held by, or common to, the bulk of individuals making up the group.



Tangu_social life and customs




Thesis (PhD)

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