Study of an electro-optic modulator capable of generating simultaneous amplitude and phase modulations




Cusack, Benedict J
Sheard, Benjamin S
Shaddock, Daniel A
Gray, Malcolm B
Lam, Ping Koy
Whitcomb, Stanley Ernest

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Optical Society of America


We report on the analysis and prototype-characterization of a dual-electrode electro-optic modulator that can generate both amplitude and phase modulations with a selectable relative phase, termed a universally tunable modulator (UTM). All modulation states can be reached by tuning only the electrical inputs, facilitating real-time tuning, and the device is shown to have good suppression and stability properties. A mathematical analysis is presented, including the development of a geometric phase representation for modulation. The experimental characterization of the device shows that relative suppressions of 38 dB, 39 dB and 30 dB for phase, single-sideband and carrier-suppressed modulations, respectively, can be obtained, as well as showing the device is well-behaved when scanning continuously through the parameter space of modulations. Uses for the device are discussed, including the tuning of lock points in optical locking schemes, single sideband applications, modulation fast-switching applications, and applications requiring combined modulations.



Keywords: Electro-optic modulators; Optical configurations; Phase theory; Quadrature variable modulators (QVM); Degrees of freedom (mechanics); Light polarization; Optical design; Parameter estimation; Phase modulation; Real time systems; Tuning; Light modulators



Applied Optics


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