ANU Resources, Environment & Development Group (RE&D)

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The Resources, Environment & Development group brought together staff from the Environment and Development Program and the Resources Management in Asia-Pacific Program ((RMAP). It carried out research and teaching activities focused on the social and economic aspects of environmental and resource management in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Their research encompassed a wide rage of topics such as agricultural transformation processes, biodiversity conservation policies, climate change policy and economics, environmental governance and policies, ecosystem services assessment and planning, forest policy and economics, gender and the environment, local knowledge and common property management, social and economic sustainability of extractive industries, water policy.

Its publications include the following:

Asia-Pacific Environment Monographs (APEM) (1993-Present) The Asia-Pacific Environment Monograph (APEM) series brought together fully peer reviewed publications that showcased the work of RE&D staff, visitors and associates such as for example RE&D staff supervised doctoral dissertations, translations of already published work in other Asia-Pacific countries, and RE&D organized workshop or conference proceedings. The APEM series is freely available for easy access in a range of formats (PDF, HTML for onscreen viewing or mobile devices) and is also available at a reasonable cost as 'print-on-demand' through the ANU E-Press website.

RMAP / RE&D Working Paper series (1997-2008) This series sought to provide readers with access to current research on environmental and resource issues in the Asia-Pacific. Working Papers produced by the Program aimed at facilitating discussion on critical resource management issues, and linking scholars working in different disciplines and regions. Unless otherwise stated, publications of the RE&D Program are presented without endorsement as contributions to public debate. Authors are responsible for their own analysis and conclusions. The Working paper series was discontinued as papers presented in RE&D seminars are now mostly available as podcasts.


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